Academic Information

P r e - S c h o o l

The Banner Pre-school is a place of comfort, love and care. Our environment allows children to discover, create and interact whiles instilling a lifelong love of learning.......

P r i m a r y S c h o o l

The Banner School Primary teaches children to be inquisitive and problem solving. The school does not teach children just course content but lifelong skills to be independent.......

Junior High School

The Banner School J.H.S nurtures and raises Godly but confident learners who are prepared for life in Senior High School.....

Why choose The Banner School?

The Banner School should be your choice because we...

Transform Hearts

As a christian school, our instructors are dedicated and care for the whole child. The small...

Prepare Minds

The Banner School uses innovative teaching techniques and best practices to prepare learners to interact in a ...

Empower Hands

Learners are given the opportunity to sharpen professional skills such as collaboration and ...