The Banner School.

The Banner School is a co-educational private non-denominational christian school which embraces diversity. The school comprises Pre-school, Primary and Junior High schools. It is a community of learning and service utilising both local and international curricula. We seek to partner families to provide scripturally based discipleship while pursuing excellence in academic and life skills from a Biblical worldview. We aspire to be the preferred choice of school for families by providing an excellent preparatory and continuous education.

Academic Information

P r e - S c h o o l

The Banner Pre-school is a place of comfort, love and care. Our environment allows children to discover, create and interact whiles instilling a lifelong love for learning. The engaging atmosphere is filled with learning through playing, singing, creative artwork which unites their sense to learn about our world.

Our Pre-schoolers are prepared for Primary school with a montessori teaching approach which builds children's emotional, social, physical, linquistic and intellectual foundation for further learning and independence.

P r i m a r y S c h o o l

The Banner School Primary teaches children to be inquisitive and problem solving. The school does not teach children just course content but lifelong skills to be independent. The small class size enhances opportunities to offer personalised attention to meet every child's need.

The combination of Cambridge and Ghanaian curricula helps in shaping children for our world today and in the future.

With a team of highly experienced instructors and learning specialists, we collaborate with the family to give children a learning that last a lifetime.

Junior High School

The Banner School J.H.S nurtures and raises Godly but confident learners who are prepared for life in Senior High School.

The school's curriculum is based on Ghana Education Service's requirements which ensures students are adequately prepared for Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE).

At Junior High, the main objective is to adequately prepare learners to write and pass BECE.

Why choose The Banner School?

The Banner School should be your choice because we...

Transform Hearts

As a christian school, our instructors are dedicated and care for the whole child. The small school and class environment helps create a unique family culture where students and instructors care for one another deeply.

Prepare Minds

The Banner School uses innovative teaching techniques and best practices to prepare learners to interact in a global society. With cooperative learning, we intentionally keep class sizes small to allow us to work closely with each learner and develop a programme to suit individual needs.

Empower Hands

Learners are given the opportunity to sharpen their collaboration and communication skills. Facilitators guide these emergent leaders to unleash their God-given potentials.